Sunday, February 24, 2019

Why Soakaway Crate Alternative Is One must Have Equipment

In the context of present ecological crisis and pollutions in this planet Earth, the benefit of “rain water harvesting” common people have understood the benefit of it. But regrettably few  of them really don’t understand the importance and techniques of rain water harvesting in depth. Collecting and storing of rainwater into natural reservoirs or tanks is a natural tending practice in rural areas mostly. In urban areas the technique of collection and storage of rain water is something different. There are two principal ways of rain water harvesting. First and most common method of rainwater harvesting is rooftop harvesting. Intercepting the flow of rainwater and collecting and storing the same provides a year-round storage to use it on toilets, gardens or for livestock and if filtered well it also can be used as safe drinking water. There is another aspect of rain water harvesting. Before the rain water of surface runs off, techniques of infiltration of the same water deep in subsurface aquifers is also a kind of rain water harvesting. This process can improve water supply, irrigation, and ultimately helps the agriculture productions etc. 

Something about FreeFlush
FreeFlush is an organisation working for years to develop more sophisticated rain water harvesting devices and rain water storages, filters and diverters etc. Committed to the environment of the Earth that facing dangerous threat of global warming and decaying glaciers the FreeFlush has accepted the challenge of conserving fresh water by designing and manufacturing a wide range of innovative water solutions which saves money of the users by reducing overhead expenditure on water and protecting the environment as well. FreeFlush, the expert in water saving technologies also introduced some exclusive products on waste water recycling, irrigation, safe drinking water and more. Rainwater Soakaway Crates offers a significantly improved soakaway alternative for the users which is innovated by the expert technicians of FreeFlush.

Here Is Something Innovative
At present FreeFlush is proud to brought two Soakaway crate alternative, comprising two models of Rainwater Soakaway Attenuation Crate Packages. One is EcoBloc Maxx and the other is EcoBloc Light and both are manufactured in Germany from superior quality of medium-density polyethylene or MDPE.

How Rainwater Soakaway Attenuation Crate Package - EcoBloc Maxx is beneficial?
These below-ground rainwater attenuation crates are an ideal solution for surfaces like sand, silt, gravel etc. where the chances of infiltration is smoother. This sustainable drainage system or SuDS is a cost-effective solution with much low environmental impact. These GRAF infiltration modules package contains EcoBloc light crates, base plates, end plates and connectors. 

Features Highlights
·         3 Times higher storage volume of than a standard gravel infiltration ditch
·         One module takes 1.4 tons (appx) of gravel or a 50 m drainage pipe
·         Minimum excavation saves money than a standard ditch
·         Easy installation without engaging heavy machinery
·         Service life of over 50 years with 5 years warrant

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